The MVA (Motor Vehicle Administration) is one of the most depressing offices to visit, second only to the SSA (Social Security Administration). What is galling is not the lack of technology but the dearth of common sense and concern for the customer. I did not have any business to transact there today. I was only accompanying a friend who had to return the tags (registration plates) of his totaled car.

As he moved to the end of the line, and I to the waiting area, my eyes caught sight of a “Short Story Dispenser,” provided by the county library system. It was an oblong contraption that said on its front – ‘Select your reading time” – 1 minute, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes. Very optimistic of the MVA, I thought.

Out of curiosity, and estimating my friend would be standing in line “forever and a day” (my friend’s phrase, not mine), I pressed the 5 minute button. Almost immediately (a million times faster than MVA’s service) there streamed out a long strip of paper 3 inches (8 cm.) wide. (In the picture, you can see the long strip next to the dispenser.)  

The story I got was ‘The Chess Players’ by Arthur M set in the south of France involving two men, one French, the other Algerian. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. (I had not heard of the author, and research, after getting home, revealed that this story was a finalist at the Grand Prix Printemps 2012, whatever that is.) If you are curious to read the story, here’s the link –

The title brought to mind another story, ‘Shatranj Ke Khilari’ (The Chess Players) by the renowned Hindi writer, Munshi Premchand. The famed director Satayjit Ray made a movie of the same name loosely based on Premchand’s story. 

Anyway, to cut a long story short (pardon the pun), I finished reading the story long before my friend accomplished the purpose of his visit.

Maybe the MVA should consider handing out novellas and novels instead?


MVA Goes Literary

4 thoughts on “MVA Goes Literary

  • 2019-09-09 at 20:25

    Abie, a story teller like you will always find a story at the dreariest of places, even at the MVA. Very well composed. Hope you can write about India’s MVAct some day, especially the exorbitant penalties now prescribed. Good day, friend.

    • 2019-09-09 at 21:48

      Thank you, Dulal, for taking the time to read and to comment. The last place I would have expected to find a short story was the MVA!

  • 2019-09-10 at 08:39

    While reading your post my mind wandered to our local DTO office which we went now and then. Sounds like its the same everywhere …..

    • 2019-09-10 at 09:43

      Relatively speaking, in relation to other offices, yes. The saving grace here is that one does not have to grease anyone’s palms. 🙂

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