昨日、私のアマチュア無線の友人であるJF9RYR – 瀬川健一氏が2週間ほど前に亡くなったという大変悲しい訃報を受け取りました。



訃報を聞き、QSOログを検索したところ、2021年から2022年の間にKenさんと14回のQSO (会話)がリマした。


Kenさんは、eQSL.cc を介してすべての QSO を確認し、交信位置を正確にそして詳細な情報を記してくれました。

KenさんはQRZ.comのページで、「『出川英語(Degawa English)』しか話せませんが、世界中の人たちとコミュニケーションをとることを楽しんでいます」と自分の語彙力について語っています。

(それが何を意味するのかを知ったのはずっと後のことです – 出川さんという方は日本の有名で大人気のお笑い芸人です!)

Kenさんの英語は私の*ピジン日本語(*外国人が使うカタコトの日本語)よりもはるかに上手でしたし、丁寧に QSL に「素敵な日本語をありがとう」と書いてくれました。





Kenさん、あなたのことは決して忘れません。次は天国でお会いしましょう!73 forever!アビー – VU2ABE & AB1F

[翻訳提供:JF9QYV – ラコさん      Translation courtesy: JF9QYV – Laco-san]

Yesterday I received the incredibly sad news that my radio friend JF9RYR – Kenichi Segawa had passed a few days earlier. I first met Ken-san on the air in 2021 in the middle of the pandemic which caused my return to the hobby after a gap of 17 years while stranded in India on a business trip. We immediately hit it off.

After hearing the sad news, I searched my logbook and found 14 QSOs (conversations) with Ken-san between 2021 and 2022. The QSOs were from Haksan, Hakui, and Nomi-gun, all from Ishikawa Prefecture. Ken-san had confirmed all QSOs via eQSL.cc carefully marking the location of each QSO correctly.

On his QRZ.com page Ken-san stated with disarming honesty, “I can only speak Degawa English, but I enjoy communicating with people all over the world.” (Only much later did I find out what that meant – Degawa is a popular Japanese comedian!) Ken-san’s English was way better than my pidgin Nihongo though he was polite enough to write on a QSL, “Thank you very much for FB Japanese.” I was honored to learn that he mentioned me to other Japanese amateur radio operators.

Ken-san had posted on his QRZ.com page, “Please get along with everyone!” Ken-san did exactly that.

His passion for the hobby was admirable. I was hoping someday to meet him in person. But can now only say, ご冥福をお祈りします (go-meifuku o o-inori shimasu, may their soul rest in peace)

Thank you, Ken-san, for your friendship! 73 always! Abie – VU2ABE & AB1F

また会おう、友よ!See You Again, My Friend!